Tonight’s plan started with attending the Reds vs Cubs game downtown. On the way there, we heard that it was sold out. So we headed to Buffalo Wild Wings for game watching and then continued with the rest of the agenda…

Black tank, Kimchi and Blue. Striped tank, Express. Shorts, Old Navy. Boots, Dan Post. Earrings, Panagea. Necklace, Ren Faire. Bag, vintage.
Part two of the plan was to set up chairs on the corner of 6th and Walnut (in front of the CAC) and
people watch. It was a fantastic night for the activity. Not only was the clubbing crowd out, but we also saw the post-game foot traffic and those drawn downtown for the comedy acts on Fountain Square.
While most people ignored us, a few interacted with our group. One woman claimed that the passers-by were observing us, not the other way around. That was an interesting perspective. Just who was watching whom?

Photos by Beefy Muchacho