Blouse, Forever 21. Skirt, Moda International. Peeptoes, Wild Diva. Earrings, Girl Shop. Flower brooch, Newport News. Bag, No Boundaries (yup, Walmart!)

Accent colors: lavender, blush, peach, and sky.

In Style’s “soft” stone and gray exampleInitially, I was a little stumped with this palette, so I went though my closets and pulled out everything in gray or the pastel accent colors. I found I had gobs of gray and plenty of soft pink. I have some light blue clothing, but none of it is really pale enough to be called “sky.” My two lavender items (a
tunic and a
cardigan) have long since been culled from my wardrobe. (They made me look anemic.) And who wears the color “peach” anymore?

Looking through my blog history, I tend to pair my grays with bright colors like red, orange, and fuchsia. Pastels with gray remind me too much of my style in, oh, say, 1984? For some reason, everyone wanted to dress the little blue-eyed blond girl in the softest shades. I OD’d on pale colors by 6th grade and began shopping in the boys’ section to avoid anything remotely pastel. (The bib and sleeves on the pictured dress are actually a very pale pink. Blech.)
So, I plan to cheat a little on the Stone & Gray mixes and accent my neutrals with colors a bit more intense than the pastels. And you won’t see more than the barest smidgen of lavender.

You may notice that, in the last picture, the car in the background is gone. My neighbor Jimmy, and his entire family, exited their house via the front door and caught me taking pictures. I was mortified and hid until they had driven away.A previous Stone & Gray “soft” look: